Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Current Affairs

The Passing Down Of Stories: Bangladesh Turns 50

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was originally written for The Rights Collective. Please see here for this and other blogs in their series: Remembering Growing up,...

The Future of the Middle East

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article has been reposted from The Geopolity: A decade has passed since the Arab Spring. Separated by nearly 2000 miles, an eruption of mass...

Yasin Malik: Another Human Rights Violation by The Indian Government

When you read about Kashmiri political prisoners life stories, in particular Mohammed Yasin Malik, Nelson Mandela’s famous saying comes to mind: ‘’I have never cared very much for...

Is Sports to Blame For The Rise in Covid Cases?

For the past year, it has dominated headlines and dictated our lives. I am not referring to Brexit, which in amongst itself has been...

The Case of Angela Davis: The Battle of Black Media Representation in a White Supremacist World

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is an extract from an essay titled ‘The Case of Angela Davis: The Battle of Black Media Representation in a...

COVID-19: Humanity’s Awakening Shock?

The Awakening Shock My Sheikh (spiritual master and my spiritual guide) often speaks of the ‘awakening shock’. A moment in time or a series of...

Surviving the Pandemic Away from Home

Welcome to one of the worst decisions of my existence so far. So, before COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic, my baby brother was getting married...

The Genius of George

The Conservatives will never win the North but they will probably win enough of it, writes Mike Knight, as he provides his thoughts on the...

Could the Hajj Stampede Have Been Avoided?

By Sabah Ismail Last month, in the most devastating disaster to have hit Saudi Arabia in a long while, over 2000 people were crushed to...

Tunisia: Just Another Terrorist Attack

Sabah Ismail discusses how the Tunisia terror attack is just one of many other terror attacks committed worldwide, which aren't labelled as such because the...

The Trade Union Bill

As the Government’s controversial Trade Union Bill passes its second reading in the House of Commons, Charlotte Cripps asks are strikes an effective way to...

The Northern Poorhouse

Mike Knight analyses George Osborne’s Budget cuts and how the North West will be hit particularly hard. Gideon the Ghoul stood, with his smile that could curdle...
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‘I wrote myself a lead role because no one else is going to give me one’: Q&A with Saher Shah

Click here to read Noor's review of Saher's play Vitamin D. EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has been edited to make it more concise and understandable. How...

‘Vitamin D’: A Powerful Exploration of Divorce in South Asian Culture

Click here to read Noor's full interview with Saher. If you're looking for a truly captivating theatre experience in Manchester, then look no further than...

Breaking Bread and Building Belonging: The Ramadan Tent Project’s Open Iftar in Manchester

In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, The Ramadan Tent Project charity are holding their Open Iftar events in cities all over the UK, inviting...

Creature: A Disturbingly Beautiful Film

The creators London-born Akram Khan is of Bangledeshi heritage, and a choreographer known for injecting his South Asian roots and contemporary dance into his work....