While Muslims around the world fasted during the holy month of Ramaḍān, both terrorists and politicians alike continued in their respective destructive crusades which...
By Sairah Yassir
Around two months ago, volunteers Aisha Mirza, Amna Abdul, Ali Raza Ilyas, Katie Rose Elizabeth Parker, Jamila Kossar, Farah Anwar-Bawany, Yusuf Tai, Noordad Aziz,...
Ghazal Choudhary discusses the current refugee crisis, the misconceptions surrounding it and how we need to see the refugees as people.
Nobody has managed to avoid hearing...
By Tanzil Chowdhury
Though having never voted for the Labour Party (and I can’t imagine I ever will) Corbyn’s resounding victory is a welcome episode for...
By Mike Knight
The Labour leadership contest didn’t take long to descend into childish farce, I would say high farce but the players involved just aren’t...
By Charlotte Cripps
On Tuesday 11th August, Manchester University announced that hundreds of potential compulsory redundancies could be handed out as part of their new £2million...
Following the project launching and making it to the Queen’s Speech last month, Mike Knight highlights why devolution is such a neccessity in the North,...
Greater Manchester's Police and Crime Commissioner has welcomed the Modern Day Slavery Bill, which has been announced in the Queen's Speech. Ghazal Chaudhry discusses the...
Click here to read Noor's review of Saher's play Vitamin D.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has been edited to make it more concise and understandable.
Click here to read Noor's full interview with Saher.
If you're looking for a truly captivating theatre experience in Manchester, then look no further than...
The creators
London-born Akram Khan is of Bangledeshi heritage, and a choreographer known for injecting his South Asian roots and contemporary dance into his work....