Saturday, July 27, 2024



From Human Map to Medical App

Throughout my medical career as a Doctor, I never imagined myself designing a medical app with software developers to help people understand their health....

Ramadan: Taking it Back to Basics

Is it just me or does it feel like Ramadan comes around at just the right time each year? When you’ve become so rushed off...

6 Things to Remember if You’re Feeling Lost this Ramadan

It was the summer of 2010, and Ramadan had just arrived. After the shenanigans of my brother’s big, fat Pakistani wedding and everything that...

The Power and Value of Kindness

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing of.” I came across this quote, for what might be like...

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome: A Series of Trauma

Childhood I was six years old when I discovered my eating was abnormal in comparison to that of my age mates. There is nothing distinctive...

‘Not even water?’ – Supporting Muslim Colleagues and Students in Ramadan

Ramadan begins sometime in mid-April. Yet, as discussions continue about the exact date and which calendar we follow, little to no literature exists on...

The Battle with Ramadan

If one could personify Ramadan, it would be an individual from whom you simply could not remove your gaze – hypnotised by its magnanimity....

The Case Against The Prevent Strategy and The Government Review

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an amended version of an article that was first published by Byline Times. Over 550 Muslim organisations, academics, scholars, and community organisers...

The Passing Down Of Stories: Bangladesh Turns 50

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was originally written for The Rights Collective. Please see here for this and other blogs in their series: Remembering Growing up,...

Use These 7 Simple Practices to Raise More Conscious Children

I didn’t grow up in the most conscious of environments. Particularly in the earlier years of my childhood, I grew up around constant fighting, fear,...


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‘I wrote myself a lead role because no one else is going to give me one’: Q&A with Saher Shah

Click here to read Noor's review of Saher's play Vitamin D. EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has been edited to make it more concise and understandable. How...

‘Vitamin D’: A Powerful Exploration of Divorce in South Asian Culture

Click here to read Noor's full interview with Saher. If you're looking for a truly captivating theatre experience in Manchester, then look no further than...

Breaking Bread and Building Belonging: The Ramadan Tent Project’s Open Iftar in Manchester

In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, The Ramadan Tent Project charity are holding their Open Iftar events in cities all over the UK, inviting...

Creature: A Disturbingly Beautiful Film

The creators London-born Akram Khan is of Bangledeshi heritage, and a choreographer known for injecting his South Asian roots and contemporary dance into his work....